Showing 1 - 10 of 17 Frequently Asked Questions

The highest rated FAQs float to the top.
# The Question
17 Q: What is the difference between a FREE account and a PRO account?
A: Great question. Anyone who creates an account for the first time automatically becomes a FREE account user. Free account users can create only 1 CorrectionRequest. This is a CR™140 of only 140 characters to try out our service for free. Once they top up their account with credit, they automatically become a PRO account user and then have access to all features e.g. CR™240FB, CR™280, urgent request, a voice recording, etc. You can see on your profile what type of user you are currently are.
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16 Q: Can I get a refund?
A: There are no refunds. Our native English editors are closely monitored for fairness and correctness. We suggest that you try us out free of charge and then decide whether you want to top up your account with credit. We are a team of human editors around the globe and committed to delivering high-quality work.
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15 Q: What if I'm a lawyer and I need you to check my work?
A: Great question! Because we cannot cater for all professions and their different jargons, we provide you with the option to choose your "purpose" so that you know upfront what our team of native English editors is capable of.
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14 Q: Will the English editor let me know what English level I have?
A: That is possible if you have ticked that checkbox on your profile so that our native English editors know you wish to be assessed. If you have ticked that box, they will set your English level after correcting each of your CorrectionRequests™ and that will show on your profile for your eyes only.
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13 Q: How much is a CorrectionRequest?
A: A CR™140Char is USD 1.85
(a CorrectionRequest™ of no more than 140 characters)
A CR™240CharFB is USD 3.7
(a CorrectionRequest™ of no more than 240 characters for Facebook)
A CR™280Char is USD 3.7
(a CorrectionRequest™ of no more than 280 characters)
An urgent request is USD 1
A recording request is USD 2

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12 Q: If my CorrectionRequest™ was correct, will you still record it?
A: Yes, we will if you have ticked the checkbox for requesting a recording and even if it was correct. However, if you have ticked the “Alternative needed” checkbox, our voice-over talent will record the alternative version for you instead of your correct version.
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11 Q: Do I need an account to ask a question on your site?
A: Yes. When you verify your account, you can create 1 FREE CorrectionRequest™ of 140 characters (CR™ 140Char) and when you top up your account you can create as many CR™ 140Char, CR™ 240CharFB and CR™ 280Char as you have available credit in your account. You can then also choose to make it urgent and even have it recorded. Sound good?
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10 Q: What is an Alternative?
A: An alternative is another version of your CorrectionRequest™. If you tick the box "Alternative needed" AND your CorrectionRequest™ was 'correct', then our editors will give you an alternative version that has the same meaning as what you want to say with your CorrectionRequest™. Alternatives come at no extra charge, so use them.
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9 Q: Why does it say "you may share however you like" on my CorrectionRequest?
A: Users who have not yet topped up their account with credit, agree that we may share their CorrectionRequest™ however we like. And when we do, we will not show your name and contact details.
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8 Q: Is this a translation service?
A: No. It’s an online correction service that uses native English editors and voice-over talents, human beings. You will need to know at least some English.
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