We got it.
You want to use a software.
That's ok.

a photo of someone shooting his own reflection with a photocamera in a rainy puddle on the street.

If you are sick and tired of using a software or spending too much time googling for correct English,
do come back and use us.

Our team of cherry-picked native English editors will still be here for you. We value skilled people over software for this task.
True, in the future some AI may take over but not yet.

Thank you for trying to understand our business.
Until we meet again. Have a good one!

Hmm, go back. See you later. Try us for free


Showing the highest-rated FAQs according to our Requesters

Wanna become a Requester too? click here.

7 Q: How much is a CorrectionRequest?
A: A CR™140Char is USD 1.85
(a CorrectionRequest™ of no more than 140 characters)
A CR™240CharFB is USD 3.7
(a CorrectionRequest™ of no more than 240 characters for Facebook)
A CR™280Char is USD 3.7
(a CorrectionRequest™ of no more than 280 characters)
An urgent request is USD 1
A recording request is USD 2

(only logged-in users can rate)
6 Q: How long will it take to check my paid CorrectionRequest™?
A: Within 24 hours for PRO Requesters. PRO Requesters are users who have topped up their account with credit. Even if their credit has been used up and is 0 at this moment, they will still remain a PRO Requester and they will still have benefits FREE Requesters don't have. If a PRO Requester wants to speed things up, they can make their request urgent and then they will receive it within 4 hours.
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5 Q: How long will it take to check my FREE CorrectionRequest™?
A: We aim to correct your FREE CorrectionRequest™ within 48 hours for FREE Requesters. FREE Requesters (FREE Account users) are users who have verified their account and have never topped up their account with credit. PRO Requesters (PRO Account users) who have not submitted their FREE CorrectionRequest™ will still get their FREE CorrectionRequest™. If you want your request within 4 hours, top up your account.
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4 Q: Do I need an account to ask a question on your site?
A: Yes. When you verify your account, you can create 1 FREE CorrectionRequest™ of 140 characters (CR™ 140Char) and when you top up your account you can create as many CR™ 140Char, CR™ 240CharFB and CR™ 280Char as you have available credit in your account. You can then also choose to make it urgent and even have it recorded. Sound good?
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3 Q: Can we see corrected CRs™ (CorrectionRequests™) from other users?
A: Yes, only if you are a PRO Requester and if that asking Requester has not set their sharing permissions to: "private" on their CorrectionRequest™. Some interesting CRs™ are selected by our team to show on the homepage to everyone. And if you are a PRO Requester and you know the link of a friend's CR™ you can see their CorrectionRequest™ if that's not set to "private".
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2 Q: Can I get a refund?
A: There are no refunds. Our native English editors are closely monitored for fairness and correctness. We suggest that you try us out free of charge and then decide whether you want to top up your account with credit. We are a team of human editors around the globe and committed to delivering high-quality work.
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1 Q: Can I delete my account?
A: Currently you are unable to delete your account on our platform.
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